
Warm thanks to all those who have contributed to this book, specifically to:

  • Yannis Kargakis (FORTH-ICS) who has been involved in the discussions about this book from the beginning (June 2014). Yannis has contributed in several phases of the preparation of this book and he has coauthored three chapters.
  • Nicolas Spyratos (Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Paris-South, France) for his valuable comments on making the structure of the book more clear from the beginning.
  • Jeffrey van der Hoeven and Barbara Sierman (KB National Library of the Netherlands) for carefully reviewing the entire book and suggesting useful links to include.
  • Christos Papatheodorou (Professor, Department of Archives, Library Science, and Museology, Ionian University) for his positive and warm feedback
  • RenĂ© van Horik (Senior Project Manager and Researcher DANS-KNAW, the Netherlands) for carefully reviewing the manuscript and suggesting issues that are worth mentioning.
  • Katerina Lenaki (University of Crete Library, Master on Public Administration, Open Data trainer) for reading the manuscript and suggesting clarifications and improvements.
  • Panos Georgiou (University of Patras Library & Information Center) for reading the manuscript, suggesting improvements, and encouraging us.
  • Nikos Minadakis (FORTH-ICS) for providing us feedback and suggestions.
  • Noni Rizopoulou (Instructor and Course Coordinator of Technical Communication in English, Computer Science Department, University of Crete) for proofreading the manuscript.
  • Ligeri Vasiliou for allowing us to include a translation of one of her blog posts
  • Alison Manganas (FORTH-ICS) for her suggestions in improving the language.
  • Tonia Dellaporta (French Language and Literature Teacher) for reviewing the manuscript and suggesting a few improvements.
  • Nikos Tzitzikas for various general comments and his positive feedback.
  • Korina Doerr (FORTH-ICS) for the illustration of the cover page.
  • Ralf Gerstner (Springer) for his help and valuable suggestions.