
“An out of the box approach to describe the main issues generated by the obsolescence of the digital material and its surroundings as well as the methods and actions for digital preservation.  The exploration of the digital preservation space is given through a nice fairy tale that facilitates the understanding of advanced concepts and complicated computer science methods. The chapters of the book correspond to correlated patterns – particular digital preservation problems and the corresponding policies for their resolution – creating paths – sets of policies – to confront issues in an integrated way. A very creative combination of homogeneity, modularity and fiction!”

Christos Papatheodorou (Professor, Department of  Archives, Library Science and Museology, Ionian University)


“A wide range of digital preservation actions are covered in the book in a comprehensive and creative way. Comprehensive, as it provides in depth coverage of computer science solutions for a wide range of digital preservation problems. Creative, as it uses the imagery of  the long and winding road of a fairytale towards a happy ending.”

René van Horik (Data Archiving and Networked Services –DANS-KNAW )



“It is a well-structured, easy-to-read book, ideal for understanding basic terms and aspects of digital preservation, even suitable for people with other than technical background.  I really liked the concept of pattern!”

Katerina Lenaki (University of Crete Library) 



“A good start for those who want to get a global view of Digital preservation and get basic information about where they can find further material.”

Panos Georgiou (University of Patras Library & Information Center)



Read Giannis Tsakonas’ post here

Giannis Tsakonas (Acting Director in the Library & Information Center, University of Patras and LIBER)


Read Barbara Sierman’s post here

Barbara Sierman (National Library of the Netherlands  and Open Presentation Foundation)


“A well structured contribution on digital preservation, original and rich of good ideas, clear definitions and useful suggestions, perfectly balanced between technical details, general vision and conceptual frameworks. The most brilliant aspect is the articulation of the whole book: a wonderful re-interpretation of Cinderella Tale which invites the reader to move on through the chapters without other effort than accepting each step and the specific keys for understanding it”

Mariella Guercio (Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma,  Italy)


“Where a fairytale of the past meets a modern version of it, where contemporary Digital Preservation topics addressed to scientists and researchers touch on the everyday life of the average user of new technologies, a narrative with elements of the myth that could nevertheless be true, unfolds with examples the technical background to solve the problems that arise. An enjoyable reading, undisturbed interest, stimulates curiosity and sheds plenty of light thanks to its original style and its perfect structure.”

Tonia Dellaporta (French Language and Literature Teacher)